
My love affair with books began when I saw my elder brother read books. It was one particular one, Stephen King’s It, that truly fascinated me. Holding such a huge book, my brother passed that book on to me to read– and I was a mere 11 years old at the time. It was the powerful opening of that book that made realize how powerful words can be.

Since then, I’ve been reading books upon books. My taste in books varies according to my mood– but I tend to read all sorts of books that may range from fiction to non-fiction, to self-enrichment to memoirs. I also love reading books by foreign authors, as well as Pakistani authors.

My favorite writers are Stephen King, Paulo Coelho, and Mitch Albom. My favorite genre is undoubtedly horror (Joe Hill is my current must-read writer). I also like to read books on the sub-continent, especially if they deal with Djinns and the supernatural.

Of late, as I am pursuing a career in psychotherapy, I am reading a lot of books on self-enrichment and personal growth. As I tell everyone, these books are incredibly powerful and helpful, only if you actually implement them.

Here on my blog, you will find my reviews of books that I feel were worth a read– (there are a lot of crappy books out there too!)

If you have any recommendations, I would love to hear from you!

– Mansour